Audiologists and Hearing Instrument Specialists

“The observed improvements in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), ranging from approximately 5 to 30 dB, highlight the substantial benefits these technologies offer individuals who use hearing instruments in real-world listening situations.”

Burwinkel, Justin R., et al. “Hearing Loops and Induction Coils: Improving SNR in Public Spaces.Hearing Review 31, no. 2 (February 2024): 22–25.


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136 KB
(2 pages) Two lists of hearing instruments that are ADA-compatible devices: 1. Current need: Telecoils create connectivity to ADA-compliant assistive listening systems (hearing loops, FM, infrared), now and years into the …
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(20 pages) Beginning in 1994, a summary and excerpts of legislation and rulemaking for telecoils, assistive listening systems, and buildings. Last updated 2025. Additions and revisions are welcome.
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(2 pages) Did you know your clients must have telecoils in their hearing devices to use ADA-mandated assistive listening technology effectively?
(2 pages) Patients need Bluetooth and telecoils. Many patients miss out because their audiologist didn’t educate them about using telecoils. Telecoils connect to assistive listening systems. Bluetooth connects to audio …
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(2 pages) Give your patients the best possible hearing advantage by helping them easily connect to ALS in public venues. Here are all the resources you need. Handout in all …
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(1 page, pdf) Changes Needed to Access ADA Assistive Listening Systems. Includes a) quotes from frustrated users with hearing loss  b) quotes from frustrated audiologists c) summary of “ADA-Access-Ready Hearing …

Persons with hearing loss frequently need a +10dB signal-to-noise ratio or greater because the loss of hearing is also associated with the brain’s neurological processing of information. Speech that is unfamiliar, fast spoken or without the use of visual clues (because of great distances in a worship area) will quickly affect this person’s ability to follow the message, resulting in the typical complaint: “I can hear but I cannot understand.”

When the signal-to-noise ratio drops below +6dB most persons with normal hearing can apply some effort to fully understand and follow the message. Users of even the most advanced digital hearing instruments will have to now apply so much effort that this level of attention and concentration can not be sustained for very long. The person with hearing loss will either give up trying (“I just can’t hear in church”) or worse yet: They stop attending services.

Hearing loops take the desired speech signal straight from the basic source (the microphone) and broadcast directly to the listener’s hearing aids. The signal at the listener’s ears is free from distance issues, reverberation and ambient noise interference. The SNR is now easily +15dB or +20dB and the person’s response usually is: “I can finally hear the sermon again.” But what they are really saying is that the speech is now intelligible enough to be understood.

Juliëtte Sterkens, AuD


  • Are you a Paramecium Racer? An acronym points the way forward in hearing care. Sara Bloom, The Hearing Journal. September 2010. “Of all those interviewed for this article, Sergei Kochkin, PhD, executive director of the Better Hearing Institute, is the most critical of the incompetence he sees as insidious throughout the industry. He believes that many hearing aids are not fitted properly; that based on letters he receives, discomfort and dissatisfaction among patients are rampant; and that the benefit of amplification when not properly fitted is often minimal. “Upgrade your skills,” Kochkin urges, calling on the professional organizations to police their members and audit their practices.” (5 pages, pdf)
  • Audiology webpage, Juliëtte Sterkens, AuD. HLAA Professional Advisor for Hearing Loop Technology (webpage)
  • Verifit 2 manual Feb 2023 (199 pages, pdf)

Audioscan Verifit2 machine

AAA (American Academy of Audiology)

Zotero online library

“Our audiologic practice delivered over 90 percent of all hearing aids with t-coils installed. Our patients benefit because the person speaking is broadcast directly to their ears. Our practice benefits from hugs, excited stories and tears of happiness. People are often referred for demonstration with the admonition, ‘You have to hear it!’ Never in my audiology career has something so simple helped so many people at so little cost.”

Jerry Owens, MA, CCC-A, former owner, Lakeshore Hearing Centers, Holland, MI

“Telecoils transform hearing aids into ‘personal communication systems,’ reducing the stigma of hearing loss and replacing it with successful and less stressful communication between patients and their families and friends. I am glad to be a part of an initiative that makes such a significant difference in someone’s ability not only to communicate, but to participate!”

Karen Van Doorne, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, former owner, K. A. Van Doorne & Associates, Zeeland, MI