Hearing Loops: Counter

Counter hearing loops work well for one-to-one communication and can provide Effective Communication under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

It’s important to select the correct type of counter hearing loop for each setting.

The Center for Hearing Access is a clearinghouse for information. The Center for Hearing Access cannot identify all firms that sell products, nor can it evaluate the quality of their products or services. If you have additional suggestions, please contact us (this website).

Permanent Counter Hearing Loops

4 ticket windows, each with a hearing loop
Audio Directions Counter Hearing loop sitting on counter with microphone,

Permanent counter hearing loops, one at each ticket window. Hult Center, Oregon. Contacta manufacturer. 

Portable Hearing Loop that can be affixed to a counter. Audio Directions manufacturer.

Permanent Counter Hearing Loops – Manufacturers

Portable Counter Hearing Loops

Audio Directions Counter Hearing loop sitting on counter with microphone,
Audio Directions manufacturer: Portable Hearing Loop
Contacta manufacturer: Portable Hearing Loop
Sarabec Counter Hearing Loop
Sarabec manufacturer: Portable Hearing Loop
Univox Portable Hearing Loop
Univox manufacturer: Portable Hearing Loop

Portable Counter Hearing Loops – Manufacturers