Google Reviews
If you can take five minutes and write a review with a photo, and let that be seen by 5,000 people, that’s helping to make invisible hearing loss, visible.
A Google Review is a quick way to publicly share your kudos or problem. It’s not a formal submission to the site, such as a complaint.
Write a review. Upload a photo of the assistive listening system sign (commonly blue). Share how important assistive listening systems (hearing loops, FM, IR) are to you.

Tools by HLAA
(2 pages) Google Maps has launched an accessibility attribute, Assistive Hearing Loops. We need your help getting the word out about how life-changing hearing loops are and helping people with …
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Contributing Hearing Loop Photos to Google Maps
(2 pages) By uploading photos of hearing loops (and FM and infrared systems) in Google Maps, you can show others that the business, organization, or institution has an assistive listening …
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(1 page) Consumer ratings and reviews can be powerful and help increase the availability of communication access. Here are some examples to get you started for hearing loops, FM, and …
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(2 pages) Hearing loops can help patients hear better in different locations — but when they are planning their day out and about, how will your patients know where hearing …
- “Interacting with Google Maps: A Two-Way Street?” Presentation at HLAA convention. Slides (33 pages, pdf) Video link. (1 hour)
- Finding Hearing Loops on Google Maps (this website). 1 minute video and handout
Google Maps Resources
- Share Your World as a Local Guide (webpage)
- Local Guides points, levels & badging (webpage)