
Below are ideas on working locally, in your state, or nationally to resolve issues with assistive listening system equipment not working or out of compliance.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Malfunctioning equipment, poor sound quality, latency, buzzing sounds, soft sounds, system not turned on, missing signage, dead batteries, missing neckloops, uninformed staff, etc.
Usually working locally is quicker for resolving problems. Below are some options for consideration. You are the best person to determine what might be best for your situation.
- If your telecoil in your hearing aid or cochlear implant is not working, it is likely you will get it resolved with your audiologist or hearing instrument specialist. However, if you cannot, your State can help with consumer protection issues. Audiologists and hearing instrument specialists are licensed by the state.
Assistive Listening Systems
- Troubleshoot. Educate and work with the venue/organization/institution. Try to use written communication, either as initial inquiries or as follow-up. Sometimes you may need to contact someone in a supervisory position. Contact us if you need assistance for hearing loop, FM, infrared (IR) systems. See hearing loop troubleshooting and FM/IR troubleshooting (this website)
- Write a Google review. Sometimes sites will respond to reviews. Screenshots, ideas and “how to” links (this website)
File a complaint
Sometimes, when you try to work with an organization directly, things don’t change, and you still can’t hear clearly. Filing a formal complaint sometimes helps to get some action. Or sometimes you wish to file a complaint immediately.
Templates to modify for filing a complaint (this website). Need ideas? Not sure what language to use?
Enforcing the Americans With Disabilities Act, National ADA Network (webpage)
Depending on the situation, discrimination complaints can be filed:
- Locally. ADA coordinator at the business, venue, or institution. Contact information for ADA coordinators can be found on business, venue, or institution’s website (required for Title II entities; strongly recommended for Title III entities). About ADA Titles I-V (this website)
- State. File a discrimination complaint with your state’s Human or Civil Rights Division. Contact information for each state (webpage). Hearing Well is a Civil Right.
- Federal. Determine the appropriate agency, such as
- Department of Justice (webpage) DoJ responsibilities (webpage)
- Department of Transportation (webpage) for cruise ships
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC (webpage)
- Federal Transit Administration (webpage)
- Health and Human Services, Civil Rights (webpage)
- Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (webpage)
- Federal, air travel resources
- Department of Homeland Security, Complaint (webpage)
- Department of Transportation, Air Travel Service Complaint (webpage)
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Civil Rights (webpage)
- Individual airline