The symbol used to denote assistive listening systems. This symbol is an outline of an ear with a slash through it to identify that a room or venue has an assistive listening system (hearing loop, FM, or infrared). The symbol cannot be used to denote other services or technologies for the d/Deaf or hard of hearing.
When a “T” is added in the lower right-hand corner, it indicates a hearing loop.
In the United States, the symbol background is commonly blue.
From the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards, “Section 703.7.2.4 Assistive Listening Systems. Assistive listening systems shall be identified by the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss complying with Figure 703.7.2.4.”
Download free graphics (this website) for the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss
This symbol is used in multiple countries. Other background colors are used.