Assistive listening systems clarify sound by eliminating the negative effects of distance, noise, and reverberation.
Hearing Loops are the gold standard for assistive listening systems and are strongly preferred by users. Hearing loops are the easiest to use – just click a button on the hearing aid or cochlear implant* to instantly connect to the room’s PA system. No equipment to borrow. Discrete.
We provide advocacy tools, ADA info, videos, presentations, and vendor lists for all ADA-compliant assistive listening systems for people with hearing loss, advocates, audiologists, and facilities/sites.
People with Hearing Loss in USA (1 in 5)
“What you don’t know about hearing aids” by Dr. Juliëtte Sterkens. Released March 2024. 890,000+ views already!
More information on the TEDx video and resources (this website)
January 21, 2025 Top 50 World’s TEDx Chart for Most Watched TEDx Talks on YouTube in 2024″ Elaine Powell, Thought Disruptor
“Having the speaker’s presentation going right into your hearing aids improves the quality of what you hear, what you retain and the amount of energy you expend to hear. I didn’t miss 30 or 40 percent of the presentation.”
R. Smith, Wisconsin
Why do people need assistive listening systems?
In many settings, hearing aids are insufficient, because turning up their volume magnifies extraneous noise and reverberation as well as the desired “signal.” Also, not everyone wears hearing aids, and with these systems, they gain more clarity.
*for hearing instruments with telecoils. Others without hearing aids or without telecoils, can borrow headphones from the site.