The City of Colorado Springs has done an excellent job promoting hearing loops-what they are, how to use, and availability. You can adapt this webpage, incorporate other information, and add any FM/RF or infrared system description.
Title II entities. “Public entities are required to ensure that interested people, including people with vision or hearing impairments, can obtain information as to the “existence and location of accessible services, activities, and facilities.” This is an important but frequently overlooked part of the regulations.”
“To ensure that the public can easily identify the ADA Coordinator, the person’s name and contact information must be provided to the public.”
from ADA Action Guide (webpage)
For Title III entities, public notice is a best practice, but not required. However, it helps both the site and the public to provide advanced information on what accommodations are already available. That way, the owner/operators don’t answer the same questions over and over, and users can plan to attend or request something else they might need.