Using Telecoils in Your Hearing Aids

Turn on telecoils in hearing aids

Either push a button on your hearing aid or use your smartphone app to switch to your telecoil program. If your telecoil program hasn’t been activated by your audiologist or hearing instrument specialist, make an appointment.

In addition to hearing aids and cochlear implants, what other devices have telecoils? Please see telecoil FAQ (this website)

Screenshot of Widex app
Lexie Lumen OTC app-screenshot with telecoil program


Lexie Lumen OTC

Microphone and Telecoil Adjustments

Depending on your device, you can adjust your microphone (M) and telecoil (T) settings.

  • 50% M / 50% T mixture for conversation awareness. You can visit with the person next to you and still receive the sound through your telecoil.
  • 100% T to focus entirely on the speaker and decrease/sometimes eliminate loud background sounds.
  • Some smartphone hearing device apps give users the option to set their own M/T mixture, such as 30/70.
Widex app-mixing mic and telecoil

